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Friday, April 6, 2012

Most Powerful Metaphysical Religion

This article begins by defining some important terms for deeper understanding. It delves into the history of religion and m,etaphysics while highlighting the inherent connections between the two areas of science and philosophy.  It also discusses how yoga is related to all of this interesting material. The history of religion is analyzed accurately for viewers to learn the absolute truth. The concepts of karma and sin are explored and their similarities analyzed on a philisophical level.
the lecture goes on to discuss the importance of science in any metaphysical religion. It predicts the pending collapse of Christianity snd similar belief structures, due to the fact tat it dismisses credible scientific research in some of the mopst important areas such as space exploration and the study of mind power/telekinesis. Finslly, the lecture expains how mind over matter research is proving so much that we previously did not know about. This is happening in the field of telekinesis or PK. The best metaphysical religion of the future will embrace these sorts of scientific findings. To follow up for more information on this fascinating hot topic, just visit